Two recent plays that leave me hungry for more -- The Like Young -- they will have a full album on Parasol later this year. They have a five song EP out -- it's the nucleus of Wolfie. If you liked Wolfie, but wished they just focused more on straight ahead guitar pop, your wish has been granted. Great winsome boy-girl vox fit perfectly with the sharp guitar hooks. The Suggestions -- John Brodeur has a great voice and has absorbed a lot of great melodic influences. More importantly, his songs have clear meaning. This is moody pop-rock, for the most part. While this is steeped in traditions that Auditeers will dig, it has a contemporary edge, that I think is mainly a byproduct of the vocals, which makes me think that there may be college kids throwing a Suggestions disc in the carousel in between their Ben Kweller and Dashboard Confessional. I also gave a full ear to another swell pop compilation -- Shake Your Pop Boomerang, from Scotty Thurling's fledgling Pop Boomerang label -- some familiar names, like Dom Mariani, but some of my favorite tracks are by bands I've never heard before. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*