Hi, Yes, the Starbelly/Pat DiNizio show was one I'll never forget. Is there a vocalist who puts more into his songs than Pat? This man has one strong set of lungs. The Starbelly set was no different than any other Starbelly set I heard the last two years, with the exception of a great cover of ELO's "Living Thing". As the band said, a three-piece covering a song originally done by an eight-piece band. But what the set lacked in novelty was made up by their performance. Greg's "cocktail drum kit" (as Pat put it), without a bass drum, did not lack bombast. The combined DiNizio/Starbelly set contained many covers as well as the bulk of the Smithereens' hits. The Beatles choices were mainly the album cuts as opposed to the shopworn singles. The covers ranged the gamut from "Horse With No Name" (with Pat's new sarcastic lyrics) to that big Black Sabbath song, maybe "Paranoid". I thought that the band especially shined during the DiNizio set, they got the room to show their chops. On a personal note, I thank Donna for the on-list welcome to the Washington area. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of shows down here from my favorite Baltimore bands (e.g. Splitsville). I have to return to New York often, so I won't say goodbye to my friends there. Sherman