Try to check out these fine Swedish mod-rockin popsters if you can. I saw these guys at SXSW last year. I had so much fun, I actually danced (and I met Beatle Bob). More info on the band at Jennifer March 8 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA with Brian Jonestown Massacre March 9 - Sea Level Records in-store, Los Angeles, CA March 11 - the Echo, Los Angeles, CA March 14 - Friends, SXSW, Austin, TX Bella Union show case March 16 - Leeann Atherton's post-SXSW barn dance, Austin, TX March 18 - The Stork Club, Oakland, CA with Pineforest Crunch March 19 - The Lost & Found, San Fransisco, CA with Pineforest Crunch _________________________________________________________________ Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*