There was a free shipping offer from Not Lame a while back and I took advantage! Another bumper crop of brilliant releases showed up on my doorstep in mere days. I should warn all of you that this post is nothing but pat, complimentary recommendations of records. There is no intense song deconstruction or critical tear-down of generally loved "Audities-styled" pop bands. If you find this kind of thing lacking in substance and value, perhaps you should hit delete now. I did some catching up and finally got the Lolas "Silver Dollar Saturday" As a fan of the glorious Shame Idols, I knew I had to have this. Great big shiny slabs of harmony and guitar. yum. I also finally picked up the Splitsville "Complete Pet Soul" disc...not sure why I took so long to get it, something about availability of Japanese/Spanish copies being compromised now and then. Great stuff. You all know the drill on this one, I may be the last of their fans to buy this. The Rubinoos "Crimes Against Music" (the all cover song cd,) took me by surprise. I love the Rubes, of course, and in general they can do no wrong. BUT, I think when I first popped this in the changer, I was in the mood for something a little more raw, and a little less polished, so I was kind of disappointed at how perfect the harmonies were. It's still a must have, the cover choices are inspired. "The Stiff Generation" tribute to Stiff Records. I had grown a little tired of all the tributes until the Bubblegum tribute came out last year, then I realized I was tired of tributes to ONE BAND, but tributes to several bands or songs were great fun. My fave tracks on this one are The Bigger Lovers take on "So It Goes," Bill Lloyd doing "Whole Wide World," and especially Frisbie doing "Peppermint Lump." Congrats to Groove Disques for pulling this off, it's a lot of fun. The packaging is cool too! The Shins "Oh, Inverted World." Again I show how behind the times I am...not that I didn't want this for a while, more that I didn't have the cash to blow on it. I remember the first time I heard this record, I was in Chicago at the subversive, not-part-of-IPO Frisbie show, and I had just met Kelly Cronin. She was singing along to the most beguiling music playing over the sound system, and when I asked who it was, she raved about this Shins record. And now I have it. My husband and I agree on something! We have a cd we can both enjoy on those 45 minute drives to get breakfast! yippie!! Intriguing, angular indie-rock with vocals to break your heart. A real bonus to find stuff like this at Not Lame, it's not all obscure record labels and basement bands. Finally, Aden "Topsiders" My husband listens to a Live 365 station called "Spacelab Transmissions" which is heavy on the indie pop and twee, Kindercore stuff, Mates of State, frenchie pop, etc. Aden came up frequently on his computer, and I'd always ask to confirm as I liked the sounds I was hearing. I would compare them to Joe Pisapia and Steve Ward together, which is very ironic to those in the know. Pleasant, mildly jangly, soft pop with wistful lyrics. Lovely sunny Saturday afternoon music. ===== TallBoy Records P.O. Box 27757 Los Angeles, CA 90027-0757 __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more