The thing about Kim Simmonds it that he's still wearing the same pants he was wearing back in the early 70's. He was very funny about coming out and meeting Dave's misses. It was like he thought it was the Fillmore, and it would blow his cool to mingle with the locals. It was the the Cat's Paw fer christ sakes. I mentioned to him that one of my studio clients had said his mom used to fly around the country to see Kim and the Browns. He lit up and asked if I knew her name!! Dave had some good stories about Kim. He was the classic band leader: Kim stayed in the nice hotel, the band stayed in the dumpy motel. The thing is Dave is one of those guys who could care less. He hardly made any money back in the old days, just got a salary. He got to travel to the states. Said his first gig in the US was at the Santa Monica Civic. A few years ago I asked Dave about his song publishing. He didn't know. We tried to track some stuff down, but it's all been sold so many times, no one will admit to where it is, and flatly stated he was not owed any money. Dave got his last royalty check in 1975. I was talking to Dave the other day to let him know our album was out, and I had some copies for him. He's planing a late summer trip to Walsall. Once again he'll do some gigs with a band that includes your Andy Sylvester and Robbie Blunt. I know Robbie from when he came over with Bronco. Now there was a good band... I mentioned To Dave that Radio Birdman might be in the UK around the same time. He was looking forward to seeing Deniz again. While most of their collaborations have been through the miracle of studio time transfer, Dave did come around last year and sing a bit on the Angie Pepper's album that Den and I produced. There is another as yet unreleased Brain track that's got Ken and Malcolm from Help Yourself and Man, Deniz, Dave and the two Ronnies from Donovan's Brain. While 1970 was ok, I have better memories of '68: Hendrix, Who, Yardbirds, Procol, Cream, Jeff Beck. It was still a small scene then. (1966 was even better.) That all changed in January 1969 when Led Zep arrived. The first 70's band. It all changed then. Altamonte....see what I mean? Robert Sutliff wrote: > Um yeah, I have met Kim Simmonds (and Dave Walker also). Very nice guy and a > brilliant guitarist. What can I say - I think it's 1970 and I'm still > relevant also. > > Bobby Sutliff > NP - Chicken Shack - O.K. Ken > > > > > Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 09:45:33 -0800 > > From: ronald and karen sanchez > > To: > > Subject: Savoy Brown singer lives in my town > > Message-ID: <> > > > > Have you ever met Kim Simmonds? He thinks it's still 1970 and that he's > > still relevant. They played here to about 50 people a year ago. Our Dave > > Walker got up and sang Tell Mama with them and tore the house down. Kim > > wouldn't let him sing any more. Most of the audience left after Dave > > finished. > > > > Turns out Dave Walker is not a blues fan at all. He loves the Beatles and > > Pink Floyd!!. He did some amazing four part harmonies on the Brain > records. > > You just have to turn the machine on, and it flows out of him. > > > > What does an ex-Savoy do for a day job? he's a prep cook at a crappy > > restaurant here in town. > > > > RS > > > > Ralph Alfonso wrote: > > > > > > > > > > > I don't know... why can Savoy Brown keep touring the bar circuit > > > forever in North America? > > > Why do they (no offense, a living is a living... I'm just saying this > > > light-heartedly). > > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records The Donovan's Brain Web Site