>What's the best software at a reasonable price, that can repair defects? On >my mac, I'm using cheap shareware software (Amadeus) that can do a fairly well >job of finding loud clicks. The small ones are the ones that it has trouble >with. However, I devised a simple solution, I cut and paste the section which >has the defect into another window, and I slow the music down by 1/5. I can >then usually hear and easily discover where the click is. This technique is >especially useful when the defect isn't a pure spike. I'm using Cool Edit, and I'm definitely not doing anything automated, but by hand. One thing I've found useful is to apply a ridiculous graphic eq - boosting by 15-20 dB everything from about 1k on up. This causes clicks to show up dramatically. Don't save this file, though! Zoom in on every click, mark them with file markers, and then undo the EQ. Then, use the CEP Click/Pop Eliminator on each highlighted area.