At 02:03 PM 2/27/2003 +1100, Pure Pop Records wrote: >When The Strokes, White Stripes, Vines and all those bands broke, the pop >community were all pissing and moaning about how crap they were, how >derivitive (a bit of a joke coming from power pop folk), etc. Well, for the record, I only ever said that the Vines were crap. Cause, y'know, they are. The other bands I quite like (the White Stripes in particular, and I still find it incredibly funny that when they were a tiny little band on Sympathy for the Record Industry, they were the coolest thing ever, and the second they landed on a major and got on MTV, doing exactly the same thing they'd done for two albums previously, they suddenly sucked), and the Sights album, for anyone who doesn't have it, is fantastic. I also recommend the rest of the lineup at their US label, Fall of Rome (, especially They Come In Threes, whose album BLINDSIDED PART 1 was one of my absolute faves of 2001. S NP: BRIGHT -- Bright