The Greenberry Woods show at The Tattoo was a lot of fun Friday night. It seemed like a gathering of old friends (unfortunately I missed out on the GBW craze in the mid-90s) as well as parents! After some prompting, Miles' dad caved in and bought shots for the band members. It was really cool seeing this band play some of their finest tunes (though Splitsville is a cut above, IMHO). I was pretty psyched to hear about some of the upcoming shows Andy Bopp is bringing to the Tatoo, which is really taking off. In a 4-night time span (3/26 to 3/29), he's going to have Peter Case & Scott Miller (Game Theory??), Chris Difford, Tommy Conwell, and Mondo Topless. And the best news of all is Dave Davies for two nights on 5/10 & 5/11!! I asked Andy about the Graham Paker show (the first "big name" act at Tattoo) last week, and while the crowd was on the light side, he said that Parker really enjoyed himself and is definitely planning to return next year. For more info, Mike wrote: > I was watching a bootleg video of a J. Geils performance in 1979 and noticed something...I got to see the band 100% of the time... What I thankfully *didn't* see were the shots of the teary blonde fan(s) singing along to the lyrics, the middle-aged couple "groovin'" to the music, the excited fan bouncing along to the music in a close-up. I couldn't enjoy the McCartney TV special recently because of the omnipresent audience shots. I could give a f**k what the fans looked like or how *they* reacted. I agree, and would add that I wish there were more wide shots used in live concert videos. During the Springsteen show broadcast on TV the other night, it seemed like the entire performance was a series of individual close-ups of each band member. Of course I like to see each musician from time to time, but most of the time I prefer wide shots so I can see how the entire band interacts and moves around on stage. It seems like those kinds of shots aren't much in favor anymore... For what it's worth, my favorite live video is REM's Tourfilm (which has a lot of close-ups, but is a really cool document (hee hee) of their live show at the time). Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit