Keep an eye out for records by L.A.'s Pop Art, on Stonegarden Records. Reminiscent of The Connells and R.E.M., but a bit poppier with more interesting lyrics. The best of the bunch, Snap Crackle Pop Art, was only released on CD in the UK, and that's pretty hard to find as it is. But all of their records are good. (I would avoid their last release, Later On in the Same Life, which was released only on CD and is inferior to their earlier works.) Right Jeff? Gary On Sun, 02 Mar 2003 11:00:05 -0500 writes: > > I have recently discovered a good vinyl shop in my area. Are there any > > good recommendations for Power Pop on vinyl that has yet to see the light of > > day on CD? ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit