shosh: "Anyone know who that band is that provides that uptempo pop with modern harmonies that runs behind the flashing pictures of all the merchandise in the Kohls' commercials?" Lifted from the E6 mailing list from "becktrader" : "I surfed over to the Kohl's site and they actually have a bit on Robert's new music in their FAQ section! >Q. What is the name of the song in your ads? >A. The music currently featured on Kohl's television advertising was >written, sung and recorded exclusively for Kohl's use by Robert >Schneider. The bad news, therefore, is that it is unfortunately not >available for purchase. > >The good news, though, is that Robert Schneider will be releasing a >solo album in the near future! He is also in the band, The Apples in >Stereo -- you may want to check them out as well." So there you go! Written EXCLUSIVELY for Kohl's. Maybe soon we'll have Kohl's releasing a best of our commercials CD? -Jeff Brenneman NP: Pink Floyd - the final cut