> >>And I'll wager that parasol.com debited my credit card twice, too! > There's a problem here... > The person complaining about Parasol is a spoiled little brat and I'm kind of sick of all the tip-toeing around it. She was supposedly a "long time customer" who experienced a single glitch ONCE and so she damns the company in an archived forum, then continues to throw wild crap out there like the thing above, despite the fact that the company is being extra responsive. I'm a business owner myself -- travel -- and yes, since 9/11 we're hurting more than any record company anywhere. But when supposed longtime customers start bad-mouthing you in public over stuff you are bending over backwards to fix, then I say business owners don't need them. Shut up about your problems with Parasol already. You've done enough damage and I'm sure the $15.99 or whatever you spent isn't worth it. Go shop at the mall. Scott