To everyone who responded to my request for "sounds like" information concerning the first two Lilys albums, thank you very very much. I've been able to locate most of the songs via file sharing systems, and they are SO DAMN GOOD, that I've put the discs on my "order now" list. Great stuff, in the vein of My Bloody Valentine and Lassie Foundation. It's like a shot of Vitamin M(usic) in my earholes. Now, on to some newer music... the new album by the Delgados, entitled "Hate". I read a review of the disc in CMJ, and it sounded so intriguing, I downloaded a few songs... and was blown away! It's an amazing mix of straightforward guitar pop, chamber/orchestral pop, and some rock thrown in. The album closer, "If This Is A Plan", is an anthem with a chorus that just won't get out of my head. Again, after hearing the samples, I enthusiastically added this disc to my list as well. And don't even get me started on Zwan's disc... It's more rock than pop, so I won't go into it here, but it's *excellent*. God love that Billy Corgan... the man can do no wrong. "Honestly" is my Number One Song For 2003. Don NP: Manplanet - dig these guys if you need some SilverSun-ish tunes to hold you over until the next disc comes out. Just listen to the song "Jetpack", and you'll see what I mean.