The debate about loud v. quiet CDs: Does anyone here have the CD "Raw Power" remastered by the Ig himself? That is the loudest CD I have ever heard! My wife always makes me turn it down no matter how low the volume is set on my hi-fi. And yes, a lot of it is distorted .... but it sounds great. So great in fact, that it makes one wonder why David Bowie did such a poor job mixing it for release in the 70s. Can anyone think of any CD louder than this one? Now on quiet: CD #1 of the IPO Vol 4 compilation (the one kicked off by Brendan Benson's "Folksinger") is one of the quietest CDs I have. Anyone know of any reason why it came out so quiet? Bob (Technologically ignorant, but curious all the same) B^) PS np "Psycho" by The Sonics (another LOUD one)