Hey all. In about ten days I'm going to be announcing the "Adam Marsland Was Here" Spring 2003 Tour. It's going to run 12 weeks, 60 shows and will be the most extensive tour I've ever done, hitting just about every corner of the continental U.S. The occasion is a college radio promotion of the 232 DAYS ON THE ROAD CD and setting the stage for a new studio CD in the fall. This will be my first solo CD and I've had help in the studio from the Cockeyed Ghost guys, Evie Sands, various Wondermints and other extremely talented folks. It's coming out fabulous and is pretty different from the Ghost stuff. The closest comparison I can make is TUMBLEWEED CONNECTION-era Elton John but not really. Sort of a mix of '70s soul, alt-country and orchestral p*p. A lot of musicians have asked for advice with touring and I'm always interested in hearing from bands in any part of the country and perhaps trading out for shows and things like that. In addition, for the first time I'm offering up some services to other mu sicians who'd like to try the DIY route. I've purchased and improved upon a pretty comprehensive database of indie-friendly college and community radio stations that I am going to use for Karma Frog, and I'm offering the database for sale on disc to interested DIY bands and small indies. I'm also offering to distribute sampler CDs for bands who don't have the resources to tour; basically passing out these bands' CDs at my shows around the country. It's something of a better deal than other situations because the music will actually be going to people who are interested in this type of music, as opposed to just a blanket sampler deal where you're on a disc with 12 other bands. This is my first foray into this kind of thing, but it seems like a logical progression, and I'm trying it out on a limited basis for this tour. If anyone knows any musicians or bands who might be interested, have them e-mail me at adamghost@aol.com. I'll be posting the tour dates here shortly. rock on, adam marsland cockeyed ghost www.cockeyedghost.com