i enjoyed it all... you have to picture me splayed out in bed with one of my cats on the pillow above my head and the other one sleeping next to my feet... and wife by my side sharing snacks!! Lazy Sunday, indeed! What floored me was when John Mayer said he was 16!! and all of it was happening too fast, etc... nice little speech, I thought.... Was it just me or was there a bit of emphasis on real musicians playing, whether it was backing Eminem or the Philarmonic (man! I dug those drummers... one guy had a wide-assed set of toms or whatever they were....)... even NSync sounded alright acapella.... the New York subtext was great... from Simon & Garfunkel (interesting subject matter in that old song) to Bruuce.... I thought the speech from the president guy was positive and interesting.... all in all, very enjoyable .... did they EVER catch Diana Krall in frame with Elvis Costello? When they first announced they're dating - it was a MAJOR story here in vancouver since she's from these parts...Elvis - how do you do it? Norah Jones - good for her... I was talking to a friend of mine who knows Jesse harris and he remembers seeing her play to 12 people in a New York bar barely two years ago.... yeah, ok, some of it sounds like it's been done before... but the thing is... it isn't being done NOW... I like the album myself (DON'T like the Hank cover) but what's cool about Norah Jones and even Diana Krall is the old-school heavy weights behind the production chairs.... The other thing I was gonna mention is.... I think most musicians are able to vote if they pass the qualifications for joining the Academy - I think you have to have had an album out in the past year or something... I could be wrong....and the cash to join, of course! Voting is cool - I'm a member of the canadian equivalent and get all the ballots and newsletters and stuff. All in all, it was a cheap way to check out acts I usually wouldn't care about or be exposed to... and.... Steve Van zandt bobbing around and him & dave grohl pointing their pick hands in unison....total bar rock... yeah! Down by the river..... down by the banks of the River Charles... now THAT'S a tune I would've paid to see them do.....no disrespect to The Clash but ......can you imagine..... that's my 2 cents Ralph Dig that crazy Bongo Beat! Visit my web site Http://www.bongobeat.com