For me, it all comes down to information. If I'm shopping for a TV or a DVD player, I have no problem shopping at Best Buy, because they give me the only things I need them to give me: good prices and convenience. For an item like that, I am generally going to do my own research and come to my own conclusions about what I want to buy, so when I walk in the door I don't need anybody to help me. I just find what I want and pay for it. The great thing about an operation like Not Lame is that it's truly one-stop shopping. Bruce has a *mission*, and for a CD to be carried by NL actually tells you something about what kind of music it is. Furthermore, the reviews and catalogs (hey, when are we gonna get another one of those?) are a valuable source of information to me. NL's prices tend to be really good, but frankly, I would continue to shop there even if the prices were a bit higher than elsewhere. I use as far more than just an online shopping site; it's also an information resource. I am glad that Not Lame's operation has expanded in recent years, but I have to admit I kind of miss the days when I'd send in an order and get a note back from Bruce saying "Hey, great choices!" :) Robert Berry (NP: The Model Rockets)