Have you ever met Kim Simmonds? He thinks it's still 1970 and that he's still relevant. They played here to about 50 people a year ago. Our Dave Walker got up and sang Tell Mama with them and tore the house down. Kim wouldn't let him sing any more. Most of the audience left after Dave finished. Turns out Dave Walker is not a blues fan at all. He loves the Beatles and Pink Floyd!!. He did some amazing four part harmonies on the Brain records. You just have to turn the machine on, and it flows out of him. What does an ex-Savoy do for a day job? he's a prep cook at a crappy restaurant here in town. RS Ralph Alfonso wrote: > > > I don't know... why can Savoy Brown keep touring the bar circuit > forever in North America? > Why do they (no offense, a living is a living... I'm just saying this > light-heartedly). > > -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The Donovan's Brain Web Site www.Donovans-Brain.com