> > Anybody remember "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Riatt? An > > Written by a former Penn State football all-American, Mike Reid. I went through a country phase back in the early '90s, and Mike Reid was one of my favorites. (He's mainly a songwriter but released a couple of CDs of his own stuff.) In my opinion, his version of "I Can't Make You Love Me" is better than Bonnie's. I saw him play live once and met him briefly after the show, and he really impressed me as an intelligent and thoughtful guy. I think the only reason he was working in the country genre was because he was primarily a songwriter, and most country artists tend to shop around for songs rather than writing their own material. This is probably wandering a bit off topic, but I just hadn't heard Mike Reid mentioned in a long time. Not that I've been paying attention to country for the last decade. Robert Berry