I'm not quite getting why only Eb is being put on moderation. Eb's initial comment seemed aimed at sparking debate. Mike Bennett immediately made it personal when he said: "Your comment is a vivid illustration of the strangely incompatible gap between logic and your thought process". Other comments later on from other Auditees members were equally vitriolic. In rereading the thread, it seems like Eb was immediately put on the defensive and is guilty of responding in kind perhaps, but I just don't see him as the monstrous instigator that he's being portrayed as. Just to make it fair, why don't you put everyone who participated in the thread on moderated status for a while (myself included)? Regards, Brent p.s. I have the whole thread in order if anyone wants to review how things unfolded. I think it speaks for itself, but you be the judge. Just email me if you want it.