As I stated in my to "Surprise, surprise", I am looking for people to assume the role of Audities-List moderators. To be clear, Audities will continue to be unmoderated, with the exception of new and restricted members. Also, moderation includes handling subscription requests and changes, and other duties as explained herein. I really want to get out of the list moderation business. It's never been a comfortable role for me, and I've been both inconsistant and inattentive. I would like to see 4-6 people acting as list moderators. I forsee the moderators providing future list direction, along with handling moderation duties. The list server, along with filters created by the list admin (me), handle the technical stuff so moderation, subscription requests and the like are handled simply by replying to a request. I hope with 4-6 moderators, requests won't be stalled long, someone will be around to respond. What is required: * A level head and a clear understanding on what constitutes appropiate vs. inappropiate list behavior. Fair, consistant action (unlike me!). Clueful. * Willing to check mail regularly, several times a day if possible. Communicate with other moderators regularly. * Approve new subscriber requests ( subscribe requests automatically rejected ;>), subscription changes and moderate new & restricted subscribers. * Answer Audities-List questions from subscribers. * Review current list guidelines and update or rewrite the entire document. * Provide direction to help make this list better - it desparately needs it! Really the most important item. * A year or more as an Audities subscriber preferred. Pay: $0.00, but I will be forever grateful, as will your fellow list members. If interested, send mail to or . Be careful not to reply to the list. - michael coxe audities-list administrator