Not 24 hours after plugging The X-Rated Cowboys here I am digging the sloppy gutbucket rock'n'roll of Pat Dull & The Media Whores, also of Columbus Ohio. MASTER OF POP HITS pulls together a few singles, unreleased tracks, live cuts and tracks from the first record and gives a pretty solid overview of the band. The liner notes cite The Replacements and Cheap Trick and that's a pretty close approximation - I'd add The Beat to that mix - they rock, they have hooks, and they're sloppy but talented. Dull's vocals aren't going to get them any widespread radio exposure but they sound like the kind of band that would storm into town and burn your club to the ground. Buried after the last track are several jokes and a couple of Who covers done for a live radio broadcast, so stick around for that. And of course, since they're from Ohio, the record is on Screaming Apple (Germany)! Go rock now b