> >Steven: Your blinded by your own vision. > >Ken: Sorry, but your a dick > > Your both wrong. Prove it dude. Bottom line, John said he was done with you and you took that (by your Suprise, Surprise) comment that he raised a white flag, as if you were "surprised" he was unable to keep up with your point/counterpoint bullshit. You are wrong, tho nobody here would expect you to publically admit it. To clarify, JB was really saying that he was more of a man than you and willing to end it on that note, walk away, etc. He's right and you are still very much a dick. > I'd love to see links to negative JB reviews which dare to be harsh > rather than apologetic. If you've got 'em, post 'em. I don't recall > seeing any such tone on the list. Since he's only interested in > writing about one niche of music, it seems unlikely to me that bands > in that niche wouldn't win a certain degree of favor from the start. > A cursory websearch for his work reveals nothing but beaming praise. You seriously have too much time on your hands that you would have taken a single second out of your day to look for JB's reviews to try and prove your point. You need to get out of the house more. > Considering that the Audities > poll results drew ZILCH response beyond a few > thanks-for-compiling-it-Michael's, I didn't think that it was such a > sacred cow. Um, this list is called AUDITIES, thus the poll is complied from it's members. Who the hell made you the 'poll referee', if you don't like the majority of the replies that the members of this list made regarding it, feel free to jump ship any time you want. Sorry, I just have to say that I can't seem to find any reason for you to be on this list with the exception of pointless debates. Reply if you like, I like John am done playing your game. Just so it's clear what I mean by that, it's just that you are a complete waste of my time, to the extent that I am publicly embarrassed to have taken the amount of time that this very post has taken me to type. Kim Shattuck once called me a Neanderthal, and she was partially right. She immediately followed that comment by saying "that's what I like about you, Ken". Most of you who know me, wont be too surprised at my 'thrashing' here. To Michael and other's that know me, I'm once again sorry for wasting bandwidth on this clown. It won't happen again on this subject, I promise. Ken