>Steven: >Eb, I won't speak for John but seems to me you've missed the point >in his not playing >"YOUR" game. John does point out bands that don't work for him, >often bands that >others adore. To play your game would mean accepting the premise >that he doesn't >already do what your accusing him of. I'd love to see links to negative JB reviews which dare to be harsh rather than apologetic. If you've got 'em, post 'em. I don't recall seeing any such tone on the list. Since he's only interested in writing about one niche of music, it seems unlikely to me that bands in that niche wouldn't win a certain degree of favor from the start. A cursory websearch for his work reveals nothing but beaming praise. > I for one am tired of this list being primarily about you and your agenda. I'm tired of this, too. But it'll go back to being about DB's agenda, soon enough. This thread could have ended immediately after my initial "Another poll" post, y'know. Considering that the Audities poll results drew ZILCH response beyond a few thanks-for-compiling-it-Michael's, I didn't think that it was such a sacred cow. Or that people would be so keen to dispute another poll, which had the same general orientation and no shortage of common contributors. I'd like to think that everyone found this debate much more interesting than Topfivemania, but that's probably nowhere near true. >Steven: Your blinded by your own vision. >Ken: Sorry, but your a dick Your both wrong.