John said: Sorry, not playing your game. Eb replies..Surprise, surprise. Eb, I won't speak for John but seems to me you've missed the point in his not playing "YOUR" game. John does point out bands that don't work for him, often bands that others adore. To play your game would mean accepting the premise that he doesn't already do what your accusing him of. Your blinded by your own vision. Whether it's peoples response to go confront you or support you, I for one am tired of this list being primarily about you and your agenda. You look under the same microscope to continue to validate your opinion, then you assume you've discovered a galaxy of truth that we won't look at. Your bias impacts your objectivity and colors much of what you say. I'm beyond tired of this. Will someone email me off list when and if this topic gets on the backburner. Not because I "can't handle the truth" (as I'm sure Eb would assume) but per I'm so done with this this agenda/spam. That's just my feelings, if others feel this is worth while, have at it. best, Steve D.