I'm hoping that it's one of those > 5,000 that sold over 1,000 (strangely enough, mine has a 2003 copyright date, > even though I'm sure I got it in 2002). Bruce, if you don't mind, can you > divulge how many have been moved (or how many you expect to)? > > Mike We have licensed it to Japan and Europe.....so our sales are ONLY US. Sales are just under 2,000 right now after a little under 3 months---those a very good numbers, especially in this market. It should push to 3-4,000 in the next year. Worldwide on the record will be another 3-4,000. This will be with further publicity done by a consummate pro and college promotion campaign in the spring. Just an estimate. It's VERY difficult to sell an indie cd in the US right and hit the 5,000 mark without an "X" factor breaking into the mix. Most NL cd's are selling between 800-1200. Dramatically lower than they were 2 years ago despite an huge increase in quality. Why? Too many cd's tripping over each other for folks' limited dollars, too much downloading(sorry, there's plenty of folks 40 years old w/ white collar jobs and kids who doing it....) and never enough money. As I mentioned a few days ago here, the net margins on label releases are truly, truly pitiable. Especially relative to the risks. But w/ the Shazam: it may not break even when it's all said and done.....but they are my favorite band so it's one of those things like Stewart was saying a few days ago: I look and listen and hear the release and it's something I'm proud of beyond issues of making money. Obviously, I can't do this sort of thing too often. And am not looking to do it again any time soon. ;-) Bruce @ Not Lame