hey all: first off, i gotta point out that this was KC's idea, not mine - it's just the sort of thing that i would love to do, and frankly, i think it's exciting that so many other people ARE willing to put money in vicinity of mouth. A case of jumping on a band's wagon? Be that as it may, it's heartening. Asfer what Dan's saying here, I think quite a few listmembers frequently (perhaps all too frequently, eh?) plunk down their hard-earned cash for music they like and want to support, but i see this as a different issue. This would be 1) a chance to make a statement, as Jason said about Dodgy - I imagine we can beat up some press for this, as an example to other community bodies who might be interested in similar grass-roots type exploits. I'm not expecting to cause a revolution, y'unnerstand, but it would be a deeply, deeply satisfying thing to feel like I was providing another nail, no matter how small, in the coffin of the majors, or at least what typifies their behaviour to the artists they house; not to mention 2) a chance to get that Owsley stuff out - I for one would be delighted to pay $200 for a copy of it, and a tote bag or high quality porcelain mug. And 3) I like the idea of cutting out the middle man altogether: if an artist wants to create, and I want to hear it, why should I not buy direct, and why should s/he not benefit from all my dollars, instead of just the ones that someone else sees fit to let trickle through? That wasn't any reflection on Bruce or NotLame variety distribution centers, by the by - I see that these are a necessary outlet. It's the idea of some ersatz banker letting hi-quality tapes gather dust in a vault somewhere that i find so disgusting. So who knows this Bud Owsley character and can take a note by carrier pigeon to him about our good intentions? And if we incorporate a not-for-profit status into the donation, we should surely do it in whatever state resides a lawyer-listmember with the most time on his/her hands. :) You folks out there in community radio-land: what's the cost/time investment of maintaining such a thing? I might be interested in spearheading this, if i can get some idea of what I'm in for.... and finally: > Dan FrankE > NP: Shazam/Tommy Hoehn/Van Duren/Bill > Lloyd/20-20/Dwight Twilley in shuffle > play! > ...Guess where I'll be on Thursday March 13th? Is it someplace where Van Duren is playing? Because THAT I would like to see. ===== oderint dum mentuant __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more http://taxes.yahoo.com/