Hello peeps, back from a short period of lurking.... 1. All the comment on Owsley has intrigued me, here's my tuppence-worth: Was the Owsley album not released as an indie before a major picked up on it? I got the original versh from NotLame (after hearing his track on the NashPop compilation - one of the best pop comps in recent years I have to say). A year or so later I picked up the tarted up, remixed Major label versh (in a bargain bin in the UK!!). Both versions are great, but there is no huge leap in quality on the remixed album, the original indie album sounds just fine and dandy. Both are collections of highly sophisticated pop tunes. I think he could put out a great new album on an indie label. 2. Is there any way now that I can view the Audities Archive, or is that facility no longer available since the move to the new server? 3. Songs with killer middle-eight sections: anyone else out there think a song can be lifted to new heights by a transcendant middle eight? My vote goes to Badfinger's "Baby Blue". Any other suggestions? B^)