Wendie Colter... >> First off, comparing Will's career or "work ethic" to Adam Marsland's is idiotic. Don't you think Will has worked his ass off playing, recording, touring and promoting before, during and after he was signed? > Of course Will is in a potentially good place to take over his own career, thanks to his success via Giant/Warner. There are countless artists who tread that path now and the ones that do well enough at it to continue are the ones who've had previous international success when signed, like Graham Parker, Jonatha Brooke and Aimee Mann. I think those two parts of your sermon are related. Because he does have the leg up that he got from the major label deal, he does have the ability to farm that into something of his own making. And I didn't compare Will's career or work ethic to Adam's - I said that I wish every musician had his work ethic. If Adam had the success that Will had, he wouldn't be selling albums out of his car trunk, or if he were, he'd be selling a lot more. But if he doesn't want to do that, fine, god bless him, and as my message clearly stated, I can understand him wanting to throw in the towel and respect his decision. And no, I personally have never signed with a major label as a recording artist, although I have worked in the industry. (I don't know if you have either, wendie) And I don't know Will personally, as you might. However, I know enough people to know how fucked up the industry is right now. What I also know is that the memo from "Bud" sounded pretty fatalistic and made it seem like the big brass ring dream went kabloowie, so Will was taking his ball and going home. That's what I was reacting to, and the statement about which my comments are based. If Bud is Will's spokesperson, well...there you go. b