Wow. Some remarkably petty counterpoint, today. The train seems to be running low on soul coal. >Michael Bennett: > >but I've heard albums by Benson, GBW and Splitsville. Nuh-uh. > >You've convinced me -- that's very compelling reasoning. (Of course, >Greenberry Woods were major label and Brendan Benson certainly did >well in critical circles outside 'IPO pop' thing you go on about). How telling that I posted endorsements of about 60 albums, and you yanked out the one negative line to harp on. Nuff said. And your parenthetical point only *supports* my speculations about the lack of worthwhile bands stuck on the IPO level. >Now, here's an idea -- rather than presume that people on this list >aren't with it >enough to understand a lot of the things that you like (or dislike), >post about >them and explain why something floats your boat or it doesn't. Uh-huh. See below. >Give props to Rufus Wainwright for his "My Funny Valentine" on >Lennon last night? Simply forgot to watch. Ah well...I'm not particularly fond of Wainwright's lounge-lizard side, anyway. Your "Lennon" slip is hilarious, of course. >(Speaking of -- did you find Rufus's second to be somewhat of a >disappointment? I didn't hear enough strong songs...). Well, you saw my relative rankings of the first and second albums...sure, it was a big disappointment. I love four or five tracks (basically, the same ones which he performs the most), but the rest is kinda dull. His guitar-based songs have a much weaker slugging percentage, and the mix-and-match producers leave the album very disjointed. And I wish he would figure out that "One Man Guy" just isn't that powerful a song -- he treats it like it's friggin' "I Shall Be Released" or something. Also disturbs me that I have some rare songs saved on MP3 which I like better than most of the Poses tracks. Particularly "Little Sister" -- I'll be *very* exasperated if RW never records a proper version of that. That song is sheer genius. Someone (Pat?): >From my stance, it's easy to see that our tastes differ, plain and simple. >And, while you may hinge on the upscale/lofty point that you don't >offer *superlatives* as descriptions of certain discs, you >definitely don't hold back at aiming the cannon of vitriol at >certain posters. Heck, you even stoop to critiquing the way they >peruse the bins. Well, someone else already pointed out how ridiculous it is to make an issue of this "Amoeba chance-meeting" thing. No need for me to be redundant. >The difference I see, is that I don't feel a need to pigeon-hole >your releases into a classification, nor do I feel a need to chide >you incessantly because you like quite a bit of music that is a >complete and utter bore to me. Just this once, I guess. ;) >And hey, that brings to mind a question. Do you play an instrument? >Do you have musical dreams/aspirations beyond tearing down other >people's music/dreams with flacid verbal offerings and "look at who >*I* like, suckas" lists? I play piano pretty well, and can figure out most pop/rock songs by ear so quickly that it's almost like a parlor trick. I used to play clarinet, but I've kinda let that lapse (my axe needs a total overhaul to be playable). I can pick basic chords on a guitar, but certainly don't consider myself anywhere near competent. And I bet someone can contrive a feeble way to slash at this paragraph, too. "Well if yur so smaaaart, why donchu start a band yurselllf?" Meanwhile, you really *blew it* by attacking the act of posting a "Look at who I like" list. As someone else stated, "I can't win for trying." I expected that folks would be eager to snort at certain Not-of-the-Body albums on my list, but I never imagined that someone would gripe about the "egotism" of posting recommendations at all. You just blasted a big hole in the "good guys" side, and sent a truck of fresh armaments to the Yangers in the "Why bother?" camp. >Like what they do or not, I don't make it a point to criticize the bands/folks >here in bands I may not like simply because *I* can do no better. Ahh, straight from the Gospel of the 7-to-10er. Come on...this reasoning is off-the-charts trite. >Bill Silvers: >What do those egalitarian, >broad-minded CoF folks think of them? Eb? Anybody? If you really care, just skim the lists on the CoF page and see if there are any Figgs votes. One thing which *definitely* makes the CoF poll more valuable is that it publishes all the individual lists. ;)