On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 garymaher@juno.com wrote: > 2) The music sucks. It's not a sales problem, it's a product problem. > The record companies were spoiled by the good economy and accompanying > free spending, so they decided to push new artists and bargain signings > to maximize per unit profit margins instead of sharing more of the pie > with better (and therefore more expensive) artists. As long as they had > the money to spend, the public was happy to buy whatever they were > hearing on the radio. Once #1 above kicked in, people decided they no > longer had the money to spend on mediocre music. In this economy, if you > don't move them, they won't pay. Thanks for nicely articulating what I've been thinking this entire thread. The primary reason people aren't buying as much music these days, I wholeheartedly believe, is that music mostly just sucks these days. I used to be able to find good music on the radio or at the record store; now, as a consumer, I have to get incredibly creative just to *locate* anything I like. This means I have to beat the bushes to find people with similar tastes for recommendations, and buy cds from indie labels, online retailers like cdbaby.com, or, in many cases, direct from the artists. And instead of rising to the challenge of putting out a better creative product or coming up with innovative marketing strategies to snare the file-sharers, the industry is pointing an angry, litigious finger back at consumers. It's ridiculous. > P.S. Why can't Will go indie like all the other power poppers? Did he > really think he was going to be set for life based on the deal he had? > Isn't making indie music better than letting it die? Can he buy his way out of his contract?