Miles Goosens wrote: >The most juvenile thing to come out of the latest round of posts by and about Eb this junior high nonsense about putting Eb on "probation." Next thing you know, Mr. Coxe will take away recess and issue potty passes. The reason I moderated Eb's (I don't know his real name, sorry) posts is that he chose to make this about himself. Read his posts. I was tired of the tirades. Also, I am absolutely sick of having to perform list cop duties and made what will be viewed as an arbitrary decision. So be it. Hopefully I will get enough volunteers to assume Audities List management before I decide to throw in the towel, which I'm edging close to doing. FYI, Eb may post whatever he wishes, though so far he hasn't. I, as the list manager until people step up to replace me, will make the choice as to whether the content of such posts are appropiate. - michael coxe