Oh crimony! Gimme a frickin' break. So what, you can't make a major label record and compete with N'Sync. Jeez, if that's a criteria for making music then the whole power pop, alt. country, garage and emo scenes should just shut themselves down and everybody should just concentrate on their careers at Kinko's. Just because Owsley's been at the major label level, it doesn't mean he can only work with mega-budgets and tour support. Newsflash, Owsley and his ilk will never sell more than a few thousand records... ever. So what! Does that mean he should just stop. Will, give your masters to a small label like Not Lame or Arena Rock and get yerself some cool guys, an Econoline and get out on the road. Blaming everything on MP3 file swapping is ridiculous. I find it totally silly that people can't make records for under five figures. When I hear about what labels spend on high profile acts it makes me sick to my stomach. Gimme $5000 and a good band and I can make you a frickin' GREAT master with Mitch Easter or Wes Lachot, no less. Get real, go indy. Enjoy your life. M http://www.stratocruisermusic.com ______________________________ http://www.vistapointmultimedia.com ______________________________ http://www.sparklefest.com