It's possible that he said "I'm tired of this shit, It just ain't worth it." Mark >From: "Robert Berry" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Owsley >Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:54:09 -0500 > >OK, I don't get it ... like everyone else, I am angry and frustrated and >disappointed that Will Owsley's career has been sabotaged by a >short-sighted >music industry. But what I don't understand is why that means he has to >stop >recording and releasing CDs. > >How many of the musicians on this list make a living at it? How many have >day jobs to pay the bills and keep doing music mainly because they love it? > >Maybe there are legal issues here I don't understand -- I realize that >Owsley may be subject to contractual obligations that limit his options. >But >if he's got 30 songs in the can, it sure seems kind of silly to me for them >to sit on a shelf somewhere. I'm sure glad Jamie Hoover hasn't decided to >quit singing just because the Spongetones gig hasn't made him rich. > >Robert Berry _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*