To contiune my ignorance on the topic: >From: "bryan" >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: Owsley >Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 20:34:34 -0800 >It's quite possible those 30 masters are owned by the record company, >and unless another record company steps forward and makes an offer >to buy them, or Owsley buys the tapes back himself, they'll likely sit >there >in the vaults and gather dust...if the record company who paid for them >don't get something for them, they're going to sit on a shelf...that's the >way it is. What's stopping him from cranking out 30 more tunes or from cranking out NEARLY the same songs w/ different arrangements...etc. and placing them on his own CD's? They own the rights to *those* songs...not his entire output...right? (wrong?) Quitting seems to be the easy way out, IMO. Crank out 12 songs and slap 'em on a disc and sell 'em...if for nothing keep the fanbase together/interest high. IMO, the passage of time between projects is a bigger threat to an artist's career than MP3's. P _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*