Joe Field asks: > What tunes would you have on while trying to > decipher all the weird concepts in Kirby's New Gods? > My choices: Love, Bowie, Velvet Underground, Genesis ("Selling > England By The Pound") and Yes ("Fragile"). Kirby's Fourth World > was way too spacey for three-minute pop ditties... Ditto on the ditties theory. My first thought was Einstürzende Neubauten as the background theme for Apokolips, but it seems more fitting to stick to mid-70s music, keeping it contemporary with Jack's original series. So, maybe the bad side of Vangelis' HEAVEN AND HELL for Darkseid's realm, which would conveniently leave the "Heaven" part to represent New Genesis --except that the band name and overall sound of Gabriel/Rutherford/Banks/Collins make them an even better fit: Izaya the Highfather = "Watcher Of The Skies." In Supertown, the municipal anthem is the "city in my head" title track to the first UTOPIA album. Kraftwerk echoes through the supersterile corridors of the Cadmus Project clone labs. Darkseid's own theme? Eno's "Blank Frank" --I can equate Manzanera's jackhammer solo to the Omega Effect. The Forever People were a bunch of space hippies, so sure, their theme would come from Yes, but I'm not hearing FRAGILE as much as I am side four of TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS. Scott Free (Mr. Miracle) needs something campily heroic and bombastic. So, although their music is already associated with a comic superhero (Flash Gordon), I'm going with Queen. All right, enough geeking out in a public forum. Thanks a load for making my brain go here, Joe. Someday... somehow... I will have the vengeance I crave! Drew, who still has shredded skin on the roof of his mouth from a bowl of Quake eaten in 1968.