I know this will sound like a broken record, but Rick Nielsen must've made a deal with the devil or something. Will he ever lose his touch? Cheap Trick was in Austin a couple of nights ago on a real small stage and they're playing a lot of stuff from the first three albums, just totally rocking the foundation of the place. Nielsen changed guitars after almost every song and he just simply wails. He may not have quite as much energy as he did at Budokan, but he's close. And Zander still nails it with that incredible voice. Nielsen mentioned they have a new CD coming out in a month or two -thanks for waiting SIX YEARS in between discs - and they played a couple of cuts off it. Hard to tell about it, because, and this is my one complaint about CT over the decades, they tend to bury Robin's vocals under the guitars and drums. Oh well, I really don't go to hear them. I've got the cds for that. I go to see them do their deal. And after over 25 years, they've still got it. What a blast! Rick