--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, john.borack@t... wrote: > You're listening to a CD...could be a mix CD or a CD proper. You get to one > song that absolutely floors you, and you play it again and again and again > and again. Over and over and over. I rarely do this because I always have a fear that I'll get sick of a song from overplaying it, but there have been a few occasions that stick out in my mind. I remember playing "Bohemian Rhapsody" over and over when I first bought the 45 in early 1976. I did get sick of it, for a time, but now I'm always glad when I hear it. One noteworthy time this happened was when I bought Game Theory's Lolita Nation LP in 1987. I remember playing through the first three sides and most of side four, thinking "this is a good record, but nothing's really hit me". Then I played the last song, "Together Now, Very Minor" and thought "my god, this is AMAZING", and played it maybe 7 times in a row. The song is still in my Top 10 of all time. The most recent examples have been "Melanie" by The Nines, and "Blue Side" by Rooney. -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David