Bill Silvers: >1)#4 RECORD >2)HOURLY, DAILY (It pains me a little to read Miles ranking it >head and shoulders over the rest of the catalog, since I've > always liked H,D but not as much as #4. Guess I'm going to >have to try again.) #4 RECORD seems to me like Tim kept the more lovely things for WHAT RHYMES WITH CARS AND GIRLS, unbalancing #4 RECORD in favor of rawk!, making it a step backwards from H,D. Don't get me wrong, I'm wonderfully happy that all the songs on WRWCAG got released, but if #4 RECORD had included three or four moodier songs of the caliber of "I Left My Heart All Over the Place," "Twenty Eight," or "The Songs They Played as I Drove Away," it'd be giving H,D a run for its money. Of course, maybe having YAI do the solo songs wouldn't have been such a good idea. Contrast and compare WRWCAG's "Arse-Kickin' Lady From the North-West" with the brutal, bashing YAI version that leads off SATURDAY NIGHT, 'ROUND TEN. Also, I should note that I strongly prefer the US/UK version of H,D, which even though it deletes one of my favorite songs from the Australian version ("Moon Shines on Trubble") more than makes up for it by adding "Trike" and "Opportunities," and somehow flows much better with only a little addition and subtraction. >>If I had to pick a favorite song it would be: "Please don't ask me to >>smile" from "Hourly, Daily" > >"What I Don't Know About You," from #4 Record. YAI: "Trike" Tim overall: either "Twenty-Eight" or "The Songs They Played as I Drove Away" later, Miles