At 11:33 AM 2/14/2003 -0500, Bill Holmes wrote: >Originally I dropped a Ramones tag on them but they're really closer to KISS >than anyone else. I caught them twice recently - once on a double bill with >Superdrag - and they do indeed rock the house. Above all, they're having a >hell of a lot of fun up there and its' infectious. Although all the songs >boil down to getting drunk and/or laid in the backseat, and although there >isn't a lot of variety on the record, damned if it isn't something that gets >my pulse racing a little faster when I hear it. It's a fun record and a fun >live show. Their old stuff is a little more Ramonesy; to my ears, there's been a gradual shift to more metallic sounds with each album. The latest is not my favorite, partly because of the production, but I'm not through with them yet. I plan to see them next week. They have a way with a humorous couplet. Randy