In a way, I relate to Eb a little. Not so much the pissing match part. It's been a few years since I've been in one of those and I try to steer clear of them. But I think we may have similar music tastes and so many of the bands that get discussed here I have yet to hear, and when I do hear them, they sometimes leave me feeling indifferent. I remember poking around the Not Lame site, and hear some stuff I liked, and some stuff I didn't. The stuff I liked, I bought (Frank Bango "Candybar Killer"...yeah!) That's what personal taste is all about. If so many people like this band and I just don't get it, I still stick around and mostly lurk because melodic, guitar pop is a favorite genre of mine. In fact, 36 people will get to hear what my idea of melodic guitar pop is in the next month or so, this being my first participation in SOTT. When I look at the CoF list, I see a lot of commonality with my personal collection there, but I hang out on Audities to get info on the pop bands that slip under the radar of the other lists. And yeah, I'm not going to dig it all, but if I can find out about a few new groups that I otherwise would have missed, great! I actually didn't find Eb's comment about the comparisong between the Audities and CoF lists to be all that incediary. Maybe the die-hards didn't like being called a "cult"? At any rate, I find this list great because I don't have a lot of local friends that are into really guitar-pop so hearing names of new groups to check out is really valuable, even if half of them don't pan out for me. There's bound to be some differences in who likes what, that's just part of the deal. I think I remember a few people a year or two back that didn't even like Big Star. I don't get that, but whatever. :-) --- re: the art of the mix I'm really excited about participating in SOTT16. Can't wait to get me package in a month or so. I'm a little concerned that my mix is just a collection of really good songs but lacks flow, but we'll see what the consensus is. I still don't get tired of playing it and I've heard these songs a lot already, so it has legs in my book. I've got 8 or 9 mix CDs I've done over the past couple years that are in the melodic-alt-indie-postwave-powerpop genre, so if anyone is up for doing some 1-on-1 mix CDR swaps, drop me a note. You can get an idea of my musical tastes at: Favorite recent listens: new Delgados, Michael (, Nada Surf (listen to "Blonde on Blonde" at ) . Regards, Brent