I'm reluctant to post anything more about this per Michael's message for this to end (thank you Michael.. again, to be clear, thanks for stopping the top 10 lists per concern other members might have had). Shawn thanks for giving your opinion. I don't agree but I doubt your going to be a flamed as you think. David Bash said it all.. I only want to add a few things and then I'm done with this "thread". My OPINION is that when Eb brought up this whole issue of this list being to insular and unable to handle limited skills of some power pop bands..for the most part he was treated respectfully. Most people seemed willing to discuss this and some did acknowledge his thoughts as having some truth or a potential danger in group think. I think this list can discuss and did discuss this concern of his. The problem for me is his relentlessness and need to continually talk about it, frequently with jabs. Also, the broad brush he has painted us with. It's as though he's on a mission to free us from a cult. It "seems" as though only he knows what is valid way to appreciate the music. His attitudes about the list and the manner stated couldn't help but alienate him from some. Not that he has this opinions but in the need he has to continually flaunt it and often in a way that strikes me as dismissive of others and in a rather grandiose style. That is how his posts strike me, I may be wrong. I certainly have added jabs towards him and no longer will. I honestly found it amusing that someone who seems to have disdain for many members and treat them rather rudely would continually ask them to "cc" him. Sorry, that strikes me as kind of funny. Same as his considering leaving and voicing as such. I recall the first time many voicing wanting him to stay that we could discuss his concerns. Eb also seems to dismiss emotional replies. Which I must admit annoys me as I think I've stated that before. People are wired differently. If someone expresses their love for a group in emotional terms to me it doesn't make it less valid then a cookie cutter explanation of why one loves something. I agree that those who articulate their loves with skill are probably the more useful to read but is should invalidate or dismiss the opinions of others. Nor should it lump them into a bucket of the brain dead. Doesn't such an attitude only keep people from sharing what they enjoy. Steve