Greg Kot does an excellent piece on the multi-talented Mr. Brion. I have no idea whether it's available on the web -- you do have to register to get on the Tribune's site. I wanted to excerpt a quote that I agree with almost 100%: "The Beatles and Bob Dylan, two of my idols, severely screwed up music for our generation. They set the precedent that we are cool only if we write our own songs. In the past, we didn't expect Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole to write songs. We expected emotional experience from them, and they delivered it. They delivered songs written by guys who sat in rooms drinking coffee. Now because of the precedent set by Dylan and the Beatles, people who write songs feel the need to perform them. Now we have tons of bands with great singers doing horrible material, and there's no need. There are enough humans in the world who could probably provide them with fodder for any emotional experience, but it's not going to happen. So, the Beatles and Dylan, my idols, I hate their guts." Amen. Mike Bennett Record reviews and more at _________________________________________________________________ Protect your PC - get VirusScan Online