Hey there, Looks like y'all are listing your Big Five most influential bands. Here are mine (and compared to the rest of yours, I'm feeling a bit weird about my choices....but oh well). 1. SIMON & GARFUNKEL My earliest musical memories around these albums. I just listened to "Parsley" a week ago and I'm amazed at how much they rocked, how good the harmonies are, and how timeless they are. 2. JOHN MELLENCAMP "Jack & Diane" was my favorite song in 5th grade, but his next few albums really are amazing. There are songs on "Scarecrow" and "Lonesome Jubilee" that really move me to this day. 3. THE HOOTERS The first time I remember being really enlightened by the use of folk/country instruments with a really loud rock band. And, man, those guys could play their instruments! 4. THE RAINMAKERS Took my ears a while to grasp this band, but once I did, I couldn't get enough. Walkenhorst is still my all-time favorite lyricist. 5. STYX My childhood fave, and I still get into them. Jonathan Rundman Salt Lady Records http://www.saltlady.com