> You are going to be stranded on a deserted island, albeit one with electricity and a killer stereo. What's the one album you'll take to listen to for the rest of your life? Hmmmm.... I'll have to go with Sixteen Tambourines by The Three O'Clock (the version with the Baroque Hoedown EP). For me, MUSIC doesn't get any better than this. > Five bands from folks' earliest of music listening 'careers' that forever changed, shaped, molded, influenced and enhanced your life, putting you on the road to ridiculous expenditures on music. This is a pretty mixed bag from various points of my life. 1. The Monkees 2. The Beatles 3. Ramones 4. REM 5. The Mosquitos In my youngest days, I watched The Monkees on TV all the time, and my first record albums were by them (cereal box records!). They got me interested in listening to music. After that, my consciousness picked up on The Beatles, as I realized that an hour wouldn't pass without my hearing a Beatles song on the radio (usually WABC-AM in NYC). I learned the greatness of music from them. Much later, the Ramones and REM were my ticket to "non-mainstream" music in the early '80s, and I began paying attention to bands that couldn't be found on (most) radio stations. In the mid-80s, The Mosquitos made me realize that "local bands" could be as exciting (and as good!) as anything else out there. It's just a matter of them getting sufficient exposure. Be seeing you, Bill ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit www.juno.com