Mr Borack was listening to Horny Catskills Boy earlier.... Did you transfer that from the original 12" vinyl? Is this extended Borscht Belt remix version? Ok..sorry...Couldn't resist. I also preferred Bailey Quarters to Jennifer (Loni Anderson) on WKRP. Anybody else here that liked Jamie Gertz (as Muffy Tepperman) on Square Pegs?Sarah Jessica Parker was the star but Jamie was and is much cuter. How about Tracy Nelson (before Father Dowling Mysteries)? And the Waitresses did the theme song and appeared on at least one episode. ..Patty Donahue-R.I.P. Another tv babe was Geena Davis on Family Ties. She was hired to be a house keeper while Meredith Baxter Birney was busy with her newborn baby but was only hired on the merit of her cuteness and turned out to be inept at her household duties.. Come to think of it...I think Alex dated a character played by Jamie Gertz on a different episode. some others: Ginger /Mary Ann---definitely Mary Ann Favorite Bangle--alternate between Susanna and Michael (Steele) Betty/Veronica---Betty Favorite Lemonbaby- between Kaja and Dodo Favorite Spicegirl-Posh (Victoria) Favorite Go-go-Gina Schock -r np...Rich Hopkins-Paraguay He is having a (mostly ) 2.00 sale on his site. A great way to pick up some stuff from this former Sidewinders /Sandrubies and sometime Luminarios.