I too am thankful for a decent thread, so I'll play along as well. 1. The Rocket Summer - Calendar Days - pure pop ala BFF/Jellyfish genius from a high school kid. Can't stop listening to this! 2. Garageland - Scorpio Righting - been on my buy list for a long time and it rocks. I also picked up one of their older ones that bit a big one, so hopefully they're going in the right direction now. 3. Gabe Dixon Band - On A Rolling Ball - I'm a sucker for piano, and eventhough I'm not a jazz fan, this one has the right mix of piano, pop, and yes, some jazz influences. 4. SR71 - Now You See Inside - who'd have thunk - found it in a bargain bin and it's a killer. Not the same Beavis & Butthead mentality of Blink 182, but rocks along the same lines. 5. Mark Bacino - Million Dollar Milkshake - hasn't actually arrived yet, hopefully today, but I just know it's going to be awesome. If he would put out a new CD every month, I wouldn't have to buy anything else. Scott Np - Unwritten Law - From Music In High Places - surprisingly decent