> Any body got any scoop on them? From http://www.notlame.com/pdf/nlcatalog2001.pdf THE DAYS - The Mystery Of The Watched Pot - $12.00 (Not Lame Classic CD) Thanx to Not Lamer Rick Harris for the word on this technically amazing disc. Recorded and released 3 years ago in Texas...and not a soul heard of it, including me. Resurrected from the basement of Its leader (the band is, sadly, defunct now), this is one of those 'must haves', 't please' releases. Miss that classic "Bellybutton"- era Jellyfish sound. Or the great sound of the Grays? Jason Falkner swoon? Chomp on this bit of 14 perfect songs of knee swelling, jaw dropping batch 'o pop! Available exclusively from Not Lame only, so don't bother diggin in the bins as this was truly ignored when it came out and little promotion/servicing went into it. Now, it's my job to tell and sell...Smart arrangements, fluffy, head swaying vocals sweetly sung for luring young women to meet them, The Days stock and stick the hooks that make my job easy. Sure, it's soft and gooey and there's not much edge. EDGE has its place in certain, but not all bands.