At 12:03 PM 2/10/2003 -0800, Eb wrote: >The pop bias is >pretty clear -- it's just that this poll favors more contemporary pop >which doesn't necessarily pander to the IPO cult. Bands which display >some signs of personal vision, rather than "mediocre bands who just >have the basic moves down," to paraphrase a pithy Stewart M. quote >which would have been dogpiled if I had written it instead. That was >my "point." Oh, boo hoo wah, you big baby. I know that nothing gives us more pleasure than mindlessly naysaying your every pronouncement, but we have shrines to Brian Wilson to build, so we can't always stay on top of your dogpile. >Eb, still bewildered by what a non-presence Cornelius is on every >2002 poll he has seen (don't let me down, Pazz & Jop...) Could be because, in comparison to FANTASMA, it's a really fucking dull record, taking the same basic ideas as the last one but not doing anything new or interesting with them. S