At 11:16 PM 02/09/2003 -0700, Chuck Limmer wrote: > 4. Jan and Dean--Had to find out who these guys were, once I >realized that it wasn't the Beach Boys singing "Surf City." (Years later, >I felt vindicated to learn that Brian had written the song and sang >back-up vocals.) A minor act in the rock pantheon, but they mattered to >me at the beginning. >snip> A minor act? A minor act? I take umbrage with this most strenuously. Jan & Dean were a major act with an impressive string of hits, a worthy catalog of albums, and a fascinating (if sad) back story. Popsicle - brilliant pop single. Their cover of Vegetables - beats the "original" on Smiley Smile. Jenny Lee - a great bridge between doo-wop and the California sound. Anaheim, Azusa, and Cucamonga Sewing Circle, Book Review & Timing Association is a fantastic polished product of the pre-psychedelic CA era. Production values? - they did wall of sound at a Phil Spector level with no compromises, the difference being the production was being done by the composer and singer. Chops? Look at the musicians on these sessions - Leon Russell, Hal Blaine - the whole Wrecking Crew. I suspect if Jan Berry had not walked so close to death and taken so long to recover even basic functionality, they would have been one of the greatest acts of all time.