1) Brooks Robinson (Won an unbreakable 16 Gold Gloves and on all those great Oriole teams - changed the way third basemen played the game by diving for the ball) 2) George Brett (My favorite ballplayer of all time - guys like Larry Walker and many other superstars have copied his batting style) 3) Mike Schimdt (10 Gold Gloves - Philly hated this guy, he thought he was too good for them, and he go out like a wimp in the middle of the season, but what a slugger) 4) Ron Cey (I always remember him for that home run off Steve Carlton in the 1977 NL Championship series and the huge ovation he got. He may not have had Mike Schmidt's bat and glove skills, but "The Penguin" had the bigger heart) 5) Greg Nettles (I hated him for what he did to the Dodgers in the 1978 World Series - But what a nervy daredevil with the glove and he also had the "balls" to write a book blasting George Steinbrenner) Honorable Mention: Wade Boggs (The next third baseman to enter the HOF) Buddy Bell (6 Gold Gloves, but was cursed from going to the playoffs because he on all those lousy Ranger/Indians teams, also he wasn't that successful a manager - but try to manage a team in Coors Field!). Ready for Baseball Billy